Now it is fortunately cooler again and still stormy and straberry times are almost over!
So I can get back to real dinners, but aren't they just tasty?
You can leave a comment, that I appreciate, also here in this blog, but where to do it is hidden and only visible when you click at the bottom of each post. Easier it is to see in my other blog: www.bea-nype.blogspot.com! Wellcome!!!
This is a better shot of my just done mitts....
And would you believe that this is NOT Leif Gizmo? These are Dave and George and I found them in an open picture pool! I was really astonished!!! This is exactly Leif Gizmo!!! Dave is an American soldier in Iraq and adopted the puppy. I well know that this kind of dogs come from the area and Leif Gizmos ancestors do, too. But this resemblance is really quite amazing!
3 Kommentare:
vielen Dank für deinen netten Kommentar.
Nett hast du es hier. Ich war auch schon auf deinem anderen Blog, hab mich aber entschieden hier zu kommentieren, weil der Post aktueller ist.
Ich habe auch noch einen Hobbyblog sammelleidenschaft.blogspot.com
Sicher komme ich wieder, denn Erdbeeren mag ich auch ;o)
Hi Bea
Thanks for visiting my blog! What a nice surprise to have a European visitor. I added the translator to encourage more visitors and hope you found it useful. (Your English is very good though!)
Nice blog, I like your knitting too.
Hi Bea I don't know what happened to my other comment. Thank you for visiting my blog. I added a translating link to encourage people to read it. Did you find it helpful? Your English is good though.
I enjoyed your blog and like your knitting too! The houses are beautiful as there is nothing that old in Canada!
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